My name is Mama Arrow.

And I created this group for you.

I host a 1-hour, weekly, confidential, donation-based, support group for Moms with babies 3 years and younger. You join us simply by calling a phone number and listening. Only speak if you want to. Only donate what you can.

This group is for mamas only and therefore entitled, For The Mama. It is a solution-based, safe, sacred space where mamas can call in to talk, listen, share, be heard, cry, reflect, dream and most of all, find strength and solution.

This is not an advice-sharing forum. We share in a general way with an intentional focus on building strength, power, autonomy, identity, purpose, hope, faith, trust, positivity, excitement, joy and confidence in each and every mama. Every word we speak is sacred, safe and encapsulated within each call. For more information on the exact format, visit the Guidelines.

To learn more about me, Mama Arrow, visit About Mama Arrow.

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"Empathy is… communicating that

incredibly healing message of, ‘You’re not alone.’"

- Brene Brown