My name is Mama Arrow.
I became a mama for the first time on September 29, 2018 and it changed my life forever.
Before my daughter, I was a web developer, a runner, a vegan, an avid exerciser, an athlete, a wife, a dog mom and a nature lover. After I had my daughter, I became 100% mom and often felt like I was in a cycle of breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and excessive worry. It truly was the greatest time of my entire life, yet I found it harder than I had expected and I craved more support.
My husband and I both have very small families, most of who live 3000+ miles away. So, I joined several local postpartum mommy groups with the hopes of finding lasting connection, understanding and solid support. Each group I joined was six weeks long and met in person, with baby in tow, one time per week. They were wonderful, full of helpful information and made me feel supported and understood while I was there. However, they ended much too soon for my needs and I left feeling alone and unsupported.
Three months postpartum, it came time for me to return to work. I had every intention of returning, but as that date approached my anxiety increased. I wasn’t ready. I could not leave my beautiful daughter. With the full support of my husband, I quit my job.
For the next six months, I was constantly full of joy as I watched my daughter grow. However, my sleep deprivation worsened and so did my sanity. Every night my daughter woke every 45 minutes - 2 hours.
I was losing my mind, but I felt that I had nowhere to go. I had met several moms over the months, of course. And there are a plethora of books and blogs online. The thing was though, I didn’t need another book about sleep training, or advice on my crib or my stroller or suggestions about other things I could try to “fix” my daughter’s sleep habits. I needed a place to simply share my feelings and find strength and purpose. I needed other real mamas to hear me, to witness my strength, my power, my positivity and my solutions. I wanted strong, consistent, confident, non-judgmental women who would listen and support me so that I could remember that no matter what, I am a kickass mom! And that I am still… a web developer, a runner, a vegan (well, vegetarian now) , an avid exerciser, an athlete, a wife, a dog mom and a nature lover.
As mothers, we all have different facts of our lives, different issues and struggles, different strengths and assets. But I believe, that as mothers, we have very, very similar feelings.
I needed a space that I could rely upon for a long period of time where I could talk freely and openly about these feelings in a positive and empowering environment.
I believe I’m not the only one who craves this space.
And so, I created ‘For the Mama’.
For you, Mama.