

Who is this group for?

‘For The Mama’ is for any mama with a baby 3 years of age or under. All are welcome. There are no requirements or affiliations needed.

So anyone and Everyone can join the call?

Definitely not. Once I receive your email expressing your interest to join, I will reach back out to you via email to begin a dialogue where you can feel free to ask me any questions you might have and we can best decide together whether this group is a good fit for you. If you feel comfortable getting on the phone, we can also chat that way as well.

What is the format of these calls exactly?

At 12:00pm each Tuesday, you will call a conference call number that I provide. It will be the same number for the entire 3 months. The call will begin with a reading from a selected text. The reading will always attempt to be positive and empowering. After the reading, the call is open for each woman to share for 3-4 minutes.
This space is meant to build strength, power, autonomy, identity, purpose, hope, faith, trust, positivity, excitement, joy and confidence in each mama. During each call we will work diligently to maintain that foundation. We want to keep the focus on the reading and how it relates to you personally. Maintaining focus on a shared topic will help us stay in a positive and solution-focused mindset. However, we want you to speak freely and openly and feel to release your feelings, so no matter what you share, just remember that our goal for this space is to build strength, power and confidence in each mama.
Also, please feel free to send me suggestions about your favorite passages, books, quotes or mama thought leaders! I would be love to hear your suggestions and include them!

How Much Does it Cost?

‘For The Mama’ is donation-based, which means that you donate what you can. Donations can be received via Venmo (@Katherine-Hulme) or Paypal (

Is ‘For the mama’ Religious?

No. This group is not affiliated with any religion. We include people from all faiths — atheists, agnostics and everyone in between. With that being said, we ask that you always keep a deeply open mind and a deeply open heart when other people make reference to their personal religion. We want to stay completely unopinionated about faith and religion. Also keep in mind that many of the readings and topics we include in the meeting may often come from books, authors or philosophies that may not align exactly with your beliefs. Again, we ask you dig as deeply as you can and keep an open mind. You may be surprised by what you hear.


By anonymous, I mean confidential and private. The anonymity is not meant to create distance between each woman, it is meant to create confidence and privacy so that you may feel true freedom in expressing yourself. You are under no obligation to disclose your location, your job or your full name. In this group, it is crucial for each mama to feel safe and completely free to talk about whatever she needs to talk about. True anonymity can often help us feel free to speak our minds. If no one knows who we are, then we may find it easier to be honest. Now, I cannot guarantee that no one will ever figure out who you are based upon your voice. However, women come from all over to join these calls and there is no obligation to share.
Again, anonymity is not meant to create distance between. It is meant to help foster a truly safe space. You can easily request to connect one-on-one with another woman who you hear on the call simply by reaching out to me. I will then make a private introduction.

WHy doN’t we Offer Advice to other women?

If you want advice, I am sure, like me, you have a million places you can find it - Facebook, family, friends. This space is not for advice. We do not offer advice at all to each other. We do not offer suggestions, ideas or even comments about another person’s share. We don’t even reference another person’s share. If someone says something that you would like to comment on, then we ask that you simply talk about that topic in the first person as it relates to you. If you hear another woman on the call with whom you resonate deeply and you feel moved to talk with her one-on-one, please reach out to me directly and I will make a private introduction.

WHat if I resonate with another mama, can I talk with her one-on-one?

Chances are that during the calls, you will hear another women (or several) with whom you resonate deeply. I want you to connect with her. The anonymity is not meant to keep us separate, it is only meant to keep the space sacred. If you would like to meet another woman, please reach out to me and I will make a private introduction.

Why do we Only Share Once?

Each call is one hour, which means we will likely only have time for about 13 women to share. So we simply don’t have time for anyone to share twice. Also, limiting sharing to one share per person per call also helps us avoid commenting on another person share.

You Mean I do not have to share at all?

Nope. You do not have to share at all. Not ever. You can simply call in and listen and gain strength and solution from other strong and powerful mamas who are all on the same path as you.

Any other questions?

Please email me with your questions! I want to hear from you. I am open and excited to hear your questions, comments or suggestions.